Sukkos (Shpil) in the Park with Judy: A Havdalah Ritual and Commitment Ceremony for Feygeles and their Friends Between Revolutions in Preparation for the Coming Jubilee

In 2017, in Judy Garland Park aka Schuylkill River Park, JVP Philly members and friends led a performance ritual to celebrate the Jewish harvest holiday of Sukkot. Following Purim's satirical showstopper "No One Mourns the Wicked," we built a new show around Sukkot's themes of joyfulness, remembering, connection to community and to our ancestors, honoring our relationship with the natural world, impermanence, diaspora, and water libations.

Sunrise at Hyde Park

In 2014 I performed the role of Lorena Hickok in the musical Sunrise at Hyde Park.

Words & music by Tom Wilson Weinberg; with Heidi Hayes as Eleanor Roosevelt and Andrew Crowley as Ray Corry. Based on ELEANOR & HICK, words & music by Tom Wilson Weinberg, book by Peggy Stafford, original direction by Darren Katz.

Re:Galli Blonde (A Sissy Fix)

In 2010 I was part of the ensemble for a performance piece developed by Justin Vivian Bond and performed at The Kitchen.

Read More: Justin Bond and the House of Whimsy: Re:Galli Blonde (A Sissy Fix) (Huffpost)

Between Two Worlds: Who Loved You Before You Were Mine (2009-2010)

In “Between Two Worlds,” five deviant queers, their mythical beast secret identities, and all of their ghosts walk into a cabaret. The result is a show about yearning for ancestors, the empty spaces left by the first generation of AIDS deaths in queer communities and the way the next generation is called to fill those spaces. In this re-interpretation of Yiddish theater classic The Dybbuk, the consensual possession of a lover by the ghost of their beloved is a model for acknowledging the collective loss we hold and reflect in our queer bodies. The cabaret is a love letter to the ghosts among us.

The show premiered in Summer 2009 at Dixon Place HOT! Festival, with following performances that year at Fire Island and SMS Fall Gathering, Tennessee, and in 2010 at Brooklyn’s Red Lotus Room.

Ezra Nepon was the primary author, and the play was collaboratively written, directed, and designed with J. Dellecave & Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky. Performers included Avory Agony, Bryn Kelly (z”l), Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky, Ezra Nepon, Spice Rack, and Zachary Wager Scholl. Projection by Niknaz Tavakolian. Stage Managers: Casey Llewellyn, Jamila Ruya Khan. Makeup by Lailah Bragin and Gage Boone. Original Music Written and Performed by Patrick Farrell, with Max Fass. Opening performances: Jenny Romaine and NathAnn Carrera. SMS cast: Chris Bartlett aka Lady B, Becca Raeleen, Mountaine, Rosza, Ezra.

A 2007 Leeway Foundation Art and Change Grant provided support for the play’s development.

Read More: Review/Interview in True Queer Love

“This show is so moving and powerful. I wish that everyone I know could see it.”
— Justin Vivian Bond

PHOTOS BELOW: Color by Nogga Schwartz; Black and White by Quito Ziegler

Drag King of Philadelphia

In 1999 I won the Philadelphia Drag King contest in character as metalhead bar mitzvah boy Ben Hesherman, launching many years of performances and cabaret events.