Ezra Berkley Nepon is the author of two books which document and analyze people’s history: Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue: A History of New Jewish Agenda (2012) which tells the story of a multi-issue, progressive Jewish organization which was active with over 45 chapters across the US in the 1980s, and Dazzle Camouflage: Spectacular Theatrical Strategies for Resistance and Resilience (2016) which looks at two examples of contemporary theater artists, generating analysis about their shared transformative theatrical strategies. Ezra has also created many theatrical productions for the holiday of Purim and other creative works of the screen and stage.
Based in Philadelphia, Ezra is the Deputy Director for Global Philanthropy Project, a network of funders and philanthropic advisors working to expand global philanthropic support to advance the human rights of LGBTI people in the Global South and East.
Ezra received a B.A. in Jewish Studies and Organizational Development (2006), and an M.A. with concentration in Transformative Language Arts (2013) from Goddard College. Nepon is a member of Jewish Voice for Peace and JVP Philly, and was a founding member of the JVP Artist Council. They received the Leeway Foundation Art and Change grant in 2007 and the Leeway Transformation Award in 2014.